Where Are The Nests?
Wacky weather doesn’t stop bird migration to Alaska.
Where Are The Nests?
Scientists on the north side of the Brooks Range at Toolik Field Station find the birds which made it over the mountains have located their nests. Procreation has begun. Join the scientists as they seek out hidden nests.
Where are the nests migratory bird science
Where Are The Nests? video | Frontier Scientists YouTube
(Where are the nests migratory bird science)
Frontier Scientists: presenting scientific discovery in the Arctic and beyond
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Project Summary
Avian Migration — Alaska is a hotspot for migratory birds which come to the state seeking breeding grounds with plentiful food and few predators. Life isn’t easy for these far-flyers. Scientists with the University of California Davis' Birds and Seasonality Project work to understand how migratory songbird species have adapted their... Read More >