Going For Charcoal
Excavating Charcoal Fragments
Charcoal fragments help date archaeological sites; search for charcoal in the buried hearths of ancient sod houses.
The Alutiiq Museum & Archaeological Repository, FrontierScientists and the video production company WonderVisions present “The Cape Alitak Petroglyphs”, a series of short videos that explore Alutiiq heritage at the southern tip of Kodiak Island. Produced with support from the National Park Service Shared Beringian Heritage program and a Tribal Historic Preservation grant, the videos document recent archaeological research on Kodiak rock art and archaeological findings.
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Project Summary
The Petroglyphs of Kodiak Island — Prehistoric rock art decorates Kodiak Island. Ancient depictions of faces, people, and animals pecked into granite bedrock serve as a fascinating glimpse into the Alutiiq peoples’ rich heritage. Explore Native artwork and join the people working to preserve this unique archaeological record in these videos... Read More >