Bears have the right idea. Don’t fight the cold; just shut ‘er down for six months and emerge when it’s warmer. Why didn’t we think of that? For one thing, our bones would wither. We’d all get osteoporosis, a disease in which bones become more fragile. Bears don’t get osteoporosis, even though they hibernate for […]
Category: Grizzlies
In Denali National Park and Preserve, Pat Owen, wildlife biologists, talks about Grizzly Bears.
What’s on the menu, grizzly bear?
July 08 2015, 9pm in Alaska, tune in to KAKM Science Wednesdays, Alaska Public Media, for FrontierScientists’ GRIZZLIES. Wildlife biologists and Park rangers in Denali National Park & Preserve help the Park’s grizzly bear population thrive in their natural environment while promoting safe interactions between Grizzlies and visitors. Catch clips online at GRIZZLIES: AIRED […]
Beating hearts in Denali
“It never ceases to amaze me. No matter what the conditions are, what time of year it is, the place still awes me.” ~ Patricia Owen, wildlife biologist, Denali National Park & Preserve Cold nights have prompted the Denali landscape to turn colors; reds and purples are spectacular tundra accents spread across the wild vista. […]
Tapping the Power of Hibernation
Laura Nielsen for Frontier Scientists – A grizzly bear chowing down on salmon, berries, ground squirrels, carrion, grasses and roots isn’t just hungry- he’s on a mission. During winter months while humans in cold climes are shoveling snow, most brown bears like the grizzly are sleeping. This isn’t ‘true’ hibernation; the bear’s temperature drops to […]
Invitation: Meet Ursus Arctos Horriblis
Laura Nielsen for Frontier Scientists – Can you recognize a grizzly bear? Larger than his black bear cousins, he has thick fur which can range from dark to blonde. A hump over his shoulders aids in sprinting and digging. Unlike his cousin the black bear, the grizzly has a high forehead which dips down before […]
Readers invited to submit bear photos
Liz O’Connell for Frontier Scientists – NEWS RELEASE – Fairbanks, Alaska, October 13, 2011 – Frontier Scientists, an interactive website which connects Alaska field scientists to those curious about Arctic discoveries, has released a new series of vodcasts on the mighty grizzly bears of Denali National Park. The short videos feature field biologists and interpreters […]
Bear As Necessity
Laura Nielsen for Frontier Scientists – Encountering a bear in a place still untrampled enough to be called ‘wild’ is an experience completely different than seeing a bear in a human-dominated locale. At least, I always thought so. I’ve visited zoos and admired Black bears and Grizzlies, Polar bears sporting underwater, separated from me by […]
My Alaska Photo Contest Results
Here are some of the winning photos! Well done to all those who submitted such stunning work, and congratulations to the prize winners of the My Alaska Photo Contest. Winners, you are being contacted individually. Contributors whose photos got the most votes will pick their prizes according to number of votes received. Some notes on […]