Bears bother lonely science instruments

Interior Alaska is a hungry place — lots of boreal forest and swampy wetlands with big, flat rivers winding through. Wildlife sightings, especially of big mammals, are rare. But a recent video posted by a seismologist makes the Tanana River flats look like the Serengeti. A motion-triggered game camera installed above buried instruments shows visits […]

Anchorage event “Bears of the World” 2016

If you’re in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska visit Frontier Scientists at the International Conference on Bear Research and Management. The International Association for Bear Research and Management promotes conservation of bear species based on science-based best practice. “Bears of the World” 2016 isn’t just for scientists; attend engaging public lectures and outreach events. Look for Frontier […]

Tapping the Power of Hibernation

Laura Nielsen for Frontier Scientists – A grizzly bear chowing down on salmon, berries, ground squirrels, carrion, grasses and roots isn’t just hungry- he’s on a mission. During winter months while humans in cold climes are shoveling snow, most brown bears like the grizzly are sleeping. This isn’t ‘true’ hibernation; the bear’s temperature drops to […]

Readers invited to submit bear photos

Liz O’Connell for Frontier Scientists – NEWS RELEASE – Fairbanks, Alaska, October 13, 2011 –  Frontier Scientists, an interactive website which connects Alaska field scientists to those curious about Arctic discoveries, has released a new series of vodcasts on the mighty grizzly bears of Denali National Park. The short videos feature field biologists and interpreters […]

Bear As Necessity

Laura Nielsen for Frontier Scientists – Encountering a bear in a place still untrampled enough to be called ‘wild’ is an experience completely different than seeing a bear in a human-dominated locale. At least, I always thought so. I’ve visited zoos and admired Black bears and Grizzlies, Polar bears sporting underwater, separated from me by […]

My Alaska Photo Contest Results

Here are some of the winning photos! Well done to all those who submitted such stunning work, and congratulations to the prize winners of the My Alaska Photo Contest. Winners, you are being contacted individually.  Contributors whose photos got the most votes will pick their prizes according to number of votes received. Some notes on […]