Special Event – August 9, Anchorage

Join Frontier Scientists at a free Special Event in Anchorage on Tuesday, August 9th.

Cook Inlet volcanoes will astound, the future of polar bears will amaze and the boreal forest will surprise. Expand your Alaskan world with video and commentary by Frontier Scientists: volcanologist Game McGimsey, wildlife biologist Karyn Rode, and forest specialist Bjartmar Sveinbjörnsson.

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016. Noon. Frontier Scientists event hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey, USGS campus located on Alaska Pacific University campus in Anchorage, Alaska. Bring your lunch to the Leslie Holland-Bartels Conference room in Glenn Olds Hall on campus; drinks provided.
4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4626 (campus map below)

Videos and live talks by three scientists #SharingScience:

SpecialEvent_Volcanoes Science Special Event Anchorage August 2016Game McGimsey – Cook Inlet Volcanoes

Game McGimsey is a volcanologist and research geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey – Alaska Volcano Observatory, serving as a researcher and as an Observatory operations expert /eruption responder. Since 1988, Alaska Volcano Observatory scientists have monitored and studied Alaska’s hazardous volcanoes in order to predict and record eruptive activity. As a geologist, McGimsey participated in the USGS response when Mount Augustine erupted in March of 1986 before the Alaska Volcano Observatory was officially created in 1988.

SpecialEvent_PolarBearsKaryn Rode – Polar Bears

Karyn Rode is a research wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey – Alaska Science Center. Rode investigates the implications of what polar bears can find to eat in today’s changing conditions; polar bear diet relates directly to their reproduction and survival. Changing sea ice conditions alter the accessibility of the fat-rich seals polar bears have adapted to eat.

SpecialEvent_BorealForestBjartmar Sveinbjörnsson – Changing Boreal Forest

Bjartmar Sveinbjörnsson is a professor of biological sciences and the director of the Environment and Natural Resources Institute at the University of Alaska Anchorage. “It isn’t just the climate impacting the vegetation but the vegetation impacting the climate,” Sveinbjörnsson said. “We need a mechanistic understanding of what is controlling the activities in these ecosystems.”


Campus Map: